The University of Oromia Regional State, the journal that will be published on the name "International Journal of Leadership and Public Sectors Reform (IJLPSR)" has started work.
The president of administration and development affairs Dr. Riyad Dawud said that the journalist has a big role in advertising the work of the university in the world. Similarly, the research work that will be published on the journal is also published on the university and foreign researchers, the scholars who can post their research work on our journal has also stated that they can participate.
In the program, Dini College "Postgraduate" and "Editor in Chief Executive of the Journal" Dr. Chala Dachaasa (Associate Professor) have given explanation on the importance of the journal.
Director of Information Technology (TQO) of Mr. Bekele Abera University gave a press release on the general situation of the journal, the journal said that (hard copy) and "online" is available.
In relation to this ceremony, Dr. Nuguse Tadesse has been discussed on the topic "Managing Gender Diversity in the Ethiopian Civil Service" In the program, teachers and researchers of the university have participated.