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Assistant Professor and at , Oromia State University

Telephone(mobile): +251911900133

Email: || 

Address: Batu, Oromia, Ethiopia.




Educational Background

·         BA. Degree in from  on

·         MSc. Degree in (Social Anthropology] from  on ,

·         PhD in from  on ,

Academic Rank 

Assistant Professor

Language skill

Afan Oromo(mother tongue), English and Amharic


·         Lecturer  , to , at -->·         Assitant Professor  , , at -->·         Attending Postgraduate at

·         Research Director  at

·         Program Coordinator at Education for Development Association

·         Program coordinator at Generation in Action for Development Association

·         Assistant Project coordinator and Community Organizer at HUNDEE Oromo Grassroots Development Initiative


Administrative Positions held

·         at , Oromia State University from , to present

·         Currently   at Leadership Training Center  at Oromia State University from

Research Interest

Land and Livelihood, Youth unemployment, Gender and asset ownership, Legal and cultural interpretation of resource ownership,, Displacement



Project design, program management, team building and communication, research design, Qualitative research, article,Drive for result. Multitasked, adjust to hostile environment, 

Social skills and


Cooperative                            Responsive to social problem

Respect difference                  Listen before speak

Transparent                           Avoidance that controversial

Communicative                    Trustworthy

Tolerant                                 Ask ambiguous idea

Contextualize                       Confident

Organizational skills and Competences


Communicate                 Learn from mistakes

Empower                          Meet deadline in stress environment

Schedule                           Prioritize

Recognize                          Reason out

Respect order                    Plan



Memberships of international bodies/journals

Editorial roles/initiatives, etc

·         Gender, Resettlement, Land Tenure, Migration, Environment, HIV/AIDS, Livelihood, Poverty, and Conflict Resolution. The School of Asian and African Area Study and Department of Social Anthropology, Addis Ababa University, Ethiopia.

·         The Wenner Gren Foundation for Anthropological Research sponsored a doctoral student exchange visit between Addis Ababa University's Department of Social Anthropology and Goethe University Frankfurt am Main, Germany.

Certified Training attended

·         Training of Trainers, Ethiopian Management Institute, Batu, Ethiopia.

·         Leadership, Strategic Management, Reform Tools, Digital Literacy, Applied Research and Community Service. Wollega University, Nekemte, Ethiopia.

·         Social Accountability Concepts and Tools. Management Agency, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.

·         Monitoring and Evaluation of Social Accountability. Management Agency, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.

·         Gender, Resettlement, Land Tenure, Migration, Environment, HIV/AIDS, Livelihood, Poverty, and Conflict Resolution. The School of Asian and African Area Study and Department of Social Anthropology, Addis Ababa University, Ethiopia.

·         Group Discussion Facilitation Skills. Education Expert Center, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.

·         Leadership, Team Building, and Communication Skills. Save the Children USA, Adama, Ethiopia.

·         Psychosocial Support for OVC and Care Givers. Save the Children USA, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.

·         Community Self-Saving Groups (CSSG) Methodology and BDS/IGA Selection and Planning. Care Ethiopia, Addis Ababa.

·         Monitoring and Evaluation. Care Ethiopia, Bishoftu, Ethiopia.

·         Grant Management. Care Ethiopia, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.

·         Mobilizing Community for OVC Care and Support. Care Ethiopia and Save the Children. Adama, Ethiopia.

·         Project Cycle Management. Alliance for Development. Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.

·         Gender Mainstreaming in Organizations and Projects. CCRDA, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia


(online articles, newspaper articles, magazine articles)




Online Articles

·         The Dynamics Interactions of Land Tenure and Livelihood in Diga District East Wollega Zone of Oromia National Regional State.2018. Unpublished PhD Dissertation, Addis Ababa University.

·         Rhetoric versus Reality: A Diagnosis of Rainwater Management Development Processes in the Blue Nile Basin of Ethiopia Colombo, Sri Lanka: CGIAR Challenge Program on Water and Food (CPWF).

·         The Oromo Perception of Resources and Sharing Practices: The Case of Land, Labour, and Animal Dynamic Interactions among the Leeqaa Oromo of East Wollega Zone, Ethiopia, VDM Publishing House Ltd., Germany.

·         The Oromo Perception of Resources and Sharing Practices: The Case of Labor, Animal, and Land Dynamic Interaction among the Leka Oromo of East Wollega Zone, Ethiopia, Unpublished MA Thesis.

·         The Sociocultural Factors that Undermine Women’s Roles and Status among the Leka Oromo of East Wollega Zone, Ethiopia, Unpublished BA Thesis.






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