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Solomon Dessalegn Dibaba (LLB, LMM)




Lecturer at School of Law, Oromia State University

Telephone(mobile): +251921180283


Address: Batu, Oromia, Ethiopia.





Educational Background

·         LLB. Degree from Mekelle University on 07 July, 2012 GC, LLM. Degree in Environment & Land Law from  Hawassa University  on 28 June, 2018 GC


Academic Rank 


Language skill

Afan Oromo(mother tongue), English and Amharic


·         Former Head to the school of law;

·         Former Coordinator of Master’s program given in collaboration with Vrije university of Amsterdam; 

·          Former Head of Quality Enhancement and Exam Editing unit for the School of Law.

Administrative Positions held

·         Head at the School of Law, Oromia State University from July, 2022 GCto December, 2022 GC

Research Interest

Land issues, Environmental issues, Human rights issues, constitutional issues, Land related disputes and alternative dispute resolution, Labor and employees rights, Oromo history of struggle, Gender issues, Self administration and right to movement, Child rights, Language and special interest, Resources and it’s just, equitable and fair distribution, The role of Qeerroo fi Qaarree Oromoo in the history of Oromo struggle, and Oromo Gadaa system (indigenous African politics).



Legal critics, legal commentaries, legal analysis, legal research, and others. 

Social skills and


I'm a highly organized, committed individual with a positive attitude who thrives on working in a demanding environment. I also have excellent written, oral, and interpersonal communication skills. I'm also a team player or problem solver with demonstrated leadership qualities.

Organizational skills and Competences





Memberships of international bodies/journals

Editorial roles/initiatives, etc


Sixteen (16) published research articles in different reputable national and international journals and one (1) under review for Publication.


(online research articles,)




           Online Research Articles

·         Regulation of Floriculture Production in Ethiopia: Focus on the Enforcement of the Right to Development and Environment in Batu Area (Haramaya Law Review, P-ISSN: 2227-2178, E-ISSN: 2305-3739, Vol 12 Issue 1, 2023);

·         Assessment of Workers Benefit from Employment Injury in Batu Floriculture Industry: (East African Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, Haramaya University, ISSN 2521-2192, Vol 6 No 1, June 2021);

·         Ethiopia History of Land Tenure and the Present Land Governance: The Case of Oromia Region (published by International Journal of Academic Research and Development, ISSN 2455-4197, Impact Factor: RJIF 5.22, Vol 5 Issue, 2020);




·         Rural Land Arbitration Elders: Composition, Recruitment and their relation with Regular Court: The case of Adami Tullu Jido Kombolcha Woreda (Ethiopia) (published by International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Development, Online ISSN 2349-4182, Print ISSN  2349-5979, Impact Factor: RJIF 5.72, Vol 7 Issue 2, 2020);

·         Assessing the Tenure Security and Social Equity under Ethiopia Land Policy (published by International Journal of Scientific and Engineering Research, ISSN 2229-5518, Vol 12 Issue 5, May 2021);

·         The Right to Safety and Health of Workers in Floriculture industry: The Case of Floriculture Industry in and around Batu (Ethiopia) (published by International Journal of law, ISSN 2455-2194, Impact  Factor: RJIF 5.12, Vol 6 Issue 1, 2020);

·         Human rights, Poverty Reduction, and Environment: Are they Complementary or Competing Concepts? (published by International Affairs and Global Strategy, ISSN 2224-574X (paper), ISSN 2224-8951 (online), DOI: 10.7176/IAGS, Vol 76, 2019);

·         Sustainability in the use of Natural Resources: Who’s benefit in question? (published by International Journal of Multidisciplinary Trends, E-ISSN 2709-9369, P-ISSN 2709-9350, Vol 1 Issue 1, 2019 );

·         The Concept of Delegation of Local Government Authority (Study of Financial Supervision & Management) (Published by Protection Journal of Land & Environmental Law, P-ISSN- 2830 – 4675, E-ISSN – 2964 -724X, Vol 1 No 1, July 2022);

·         Ethiopia Justice Sectors: Are they Serving Justice or the Politics (published by Journal of Law, Policy and Globalization, ISSN 2224-3240 (Paper) ISSN 2224-3259 (Online), Vol 114, 2021);

·         The Human Right to Health: In International, Regional and National Legal Instruments (Published by Global Scientific Journals, ISSN 2320-9286, Vol 9 Issue 6, June 2021);

·         Assessment of Internally Displaced Persons Access to Housing in some selected Towns in Oromia: A Case Study in Adama, Batu, Bishan Guracha and Shashamane  (International Journal of Leadership & Public Sector Reform, Oromia State University, ISSN: 3005-8368- online, Vol 1 Issue 1, September 2023);

·         The Merger of Ethiopia People’s Revolutionary Democratic Front (EPRDF) into Ethiopia Prosperity Party (EPP) and its impact on the Constitution (published by International Journal of Scientific and Engineering Research, ISSN 2229-5518, Vol 12 Issue 3, 2021);

·         “Qeerroo fi Qaarree Oromoo”: Unarmed young Oromo force that save Ethiopia from Disintegration (published by International Journal of Social Science and Humanities, Online ISSN 2664-8628, Print ISSN 2664-861X, Vol 1 Issue 3, 2019);

·         “Qeerroo fi Qaarree Oromoo” irreversible Victories in the History of Oromo Struggle for Equality in Ethiopia (published by Global Scientific Journals, Online: ISSN 2320-9186, Vol 9, Issue 5, May 2021) and

·         “Qeerroo fi Qaarree Oromoo” National Movement and Sustained Gross Human Rights Violations in Ethiopia (published by LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing, ISBN: 978-620-3-02668-9, 2020).


Solomon Dessalegn Dibaba


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