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  Gudissa ] ( Lecturer) - Profile



Lecturer  at  College of  Finance and Management Studies, Oromia State University 

Telephone(mobile): 0920379726

Email:  mekonnengudissa55 

Address: Batu, Oromia, Ethiopia.





·          BED Degree in  General Business  Education from Addis Ababd University on 11 September 2011 GC

·         MA/ Degree in  Masters of Business Administration  {MBA}  from  Arsii University   on 07  July 2019 GC

Academic Rank 


Language skill

Excellent command of all language skills for English, Afan Oromo, and Amharic 


24 years in teaching, supervisor, lecturer at

Administrative Positions held

 Quality Assurance Director

Research Interest

   In management and leadership, finance, Business administration, and Entrepreneurship


 Professional Software handling and managing skills like SPSS & Introductory skills of E_views. Good pedagogical competence and communication skills in helping students understand curriculum contents easily, Educational Management skills, Curriculum designing,

Social skills and


Good interpersonal communication skills, People management skills, planning skills, leadership skills, project formulation, and designing skills.

Organizational Skills and Competences


 9 years in Educational Organization Leadership, 1 year as Supervisor, about 2 years in institutional Quality assurance



Memberships of international bodies/journals

Editorial roles/initiatives, etc



(online articles, newspaper articles, magazine articles)

·         Online Articles

·         Newspaper Articles

·         Magazine Articles



 The format does not consider my other qualifications because am upgraded from  TTI  to the current status in the last 25 years of my Education lifespan.  Anyway, enough is enough.

If you doubt on  my Educational qualification contradicts my total work experience please write to me on my Email:mekonnengudissa55

Mekonnen Gudissa Robi