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Oromia State University has both historical and symbolic attachment to Oromo society and Oromia National Regional state. Historically it evolved from a small leadership training center which had played a paramount role in building the leadership capacity of the region. Symbolically it bears the name of OROMIA which has deep relation with the Oromo. It got this name when it was promoted to University in 2017.  It is the only State University in the country. As a regional government consulting university, the university focuses on capacity building of the region via leadership and public servant development, reform and transformation of public institutions of the region. The university also focuses on all development actors of the region. To make this effective the university uses training of both leadership and public servants, research and consultancy services, academic programs (first degree, second degree and Ph.D)  and facility services.


Since the training given for modernization is the role of scholars to create a country that is developed and rich, the president of I/A "Beijing Administrative Institute" Dr. Li Yunchi said.
The University of Oromia region has discussed with PhD students teaching and teaching on how to learn and teach
Students have been given short training (SPSS) to explain how good the education is going to be good before going to the research (SPSS), they have said
University of Oromia regional study topics
"A Baseline Study of Smart City: The Potentials, challenges, and Opportunities of Bishoftu towards smart city" is presenting the first "draft" at Bishooftu.
A team of leaders of Oromia regional University has made a visit to Beijing with different organizations for work and work relations.
The team held a discussion with "Capital University of Businesses and Economics" and agreed that they can work together on many jobs.
It has been announced that they will conduct effective tours and discussions with

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